Download Instant Message And Text Acronym Dictionary book
Amount: 6.74 MB
Date: 18.09.2012
Author: Tim Beachum
Fоrmats: pdf, ipad, text, audio, epub, ebook, android
ISВN: 9781466147874
This dictionary is the first of its kind. It was inspired by the death of a little girl who could have been saved, only if her parents understood the lingo that she was using while chatting online. It.

Instant Message And Text Acronym Dictionary
Aim Speak for No Problem
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instant messaging - NetLingo The Internet.
Instant Message And Text Acronym Dictionary
Aim Acronyms
Text Message Translator, Online Text.
Text message - What does TM stand for?.
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Acronym Definition TM Team TM Trademark (usually written ™) TM Transcendental Meditation TM Time TM The Movie TM Technical Manual TM Team Member TM Text Message TM
Chat Abbreviations, MLAs, Multi-Letter.
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